Have you heard all the buzz on self-care and thought to yourself, “I don’t have time for that – self-care as a busy mom is impossible!” I know that #momlife is hard and finding the time is harder, but I’m going to show you how you can make it happen – how you can put self-care back into your everyday life. I realize Mamas like to put everybody and everything before ourselves, but the way that you feel about yourself (both physically and mentally) matters and it affects SO many aspects of your life. Implementing self-care is not a selfish act. This is not about putting yourself first. This is about putting your self-care into the equation and reaping the benefits from it, which will only improve your motherhood journey. Here are a few ways to implement some self-care as a busy mom:
Get Connected With The People Around You
Don’t let your busy schedule squeeze out time for family and friends. If weekly date nights (or days) aren’t going to happen, then try to at least schedule some time to connect on a regular basis. Make the first Friday of each month date night, for example, or schedule a one-Saturday-morning-a-month coffee date with your friends. Make it a goal to invite neighbors over for dinner at least once a month—and plan on pizza and a movie with everyone’s kids, so you don’t feel the need to full-on “entertain.”
Start A Good Workout Plan
Self-care comes in many forms and that includes, but is not limited to, physical health. Starting a good workout plan is essential to your overall health. You can workout at home, go on walks with friends, or join a gym that will help you meet your goals such as CrossFit Solid Orange, based out of Nashville, TN. They offer options for a CrossFit gym membership in Nashville and welcome all fitness levels! When you workout at CrossFit Solid Orange, “you can expect an absolutely fun, exciting atmosphere, friendship, healthy competitiveness, challenges, progress, growth and a version 2.0 of yourself.” They say, “Because we see members who can barely do 1 pull-up become proficient masters, or imbalance issues and extreme stiffness able to have perfect balance, flexibility and stability; we know the same exact process will work for you, as it has for our members.”
Their class list is impressive. They offer classes from five in the morning to seven at night. Perfect for any schedule! Plus, they even have a yoga class on the weekends, which really interests me, because it would allow me to relax my body and mind, which is so important for busy moms!
CrossFit Solid Orange is a great place to go when you need a great workout, no matter how fit you currently are.
Don’t Skimp On Showers
Let’s be honest, it may be your only shower during the week! Prioritize it. Chances are the only thing standing in the way of showering regularly is you. So hand over responsibility to your spouse or put on a show. Enlist an older sibling to watch younger ones, if possible. Don’t skimp on this. I know a mom or two who have never given up their daily showers after having kids, no matter what. I applaud them. But generally, they’ve given up time in other areas they need for themselves, such as at bedtime. We all have our hill to die on, and we all sacrifice ourselves more than we need to. But, back to showering… There has got to be a 20-minute slot in your day someone doesn‘t need you. If not, look deep inside yourself at control tendencies and see if you can let go for enough time for a shower. For quicker showers (you still need one long one though!) and if you’re at a stage where you have little ones under one, I highly recommend investing in a portable jumper to make it easy to bring your little one into the bathroom with you. Don’t allow showers to fall down on the priority list. You need at least one (preferably more) shower or bath a week to feel human.
Prioritize The Things You Love
As a mom, it’s easy to lose yourself in the day-to-day routines of family life: car pools, laundry, preparing meals, paying bills, cleaning, etc. Before you know it, 10 years have gone by and you’re a shell of your former self. The answer? Pursue hobbies. Journal. Meditate. Read. Garden. Volunteer. Whatever you love!
Invest In Your Health
Be honest, when was the last time you went for a full body check-up and physical? Know that your health and wellbeing is just as important as that of your family members. So, make time to go for annual doctor appointments, dental appointments, and even maybe a trip to the counselor. Make sure you get any important test such as mammograms, pap smears, and blood draws, too. In addition, be mindful of what you put in your body. Load up on whole foods like grains, nuts, lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies. Slash your caffeine intake and drink plenty of water!
Sleep Is Important Too
Prioritize sleep. Getting adequate sleep is a very basic yet crucial self-care practice. It alleviates stress, improves cardiovascular health, strengthens the immune system and boosts memory, among other things. Meanwhile, regularly skimping on sleep impairs cognitive function and puts you at risk for serious health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Bottom line: Don’t cut back on sleep, even when you’re tempted to get just a few more tasks done while the kiddos are asleep.
There is so much that goes into self-care when you are a mom! You feel the need to do it ALL and sometimes (or all of the time), this leads to you neglecting yourself. Let’s do our best to change this because, in order to take care of others around you, you really need to take care of yourself first.
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Special thanks to Crossfit Solid Orange for sponsoring this post.
film says
A round of applause for your article post. Really Great. Myra Tarrance Giff
pmuhillyseven says
Thank you so much!!